Luggage tags and make your own rubber stamps

 Using left over leather and how to make your own ink stamps is what this week's blog is all about.

I have made this tag with a  sloping end and a rounded end just to make my explanation a bit clearer.There are three important measurements. 

A is the narrowest part of the tag

B is the width of the tag 

And the distance from the narrowest part to the rounded end is the circumference of the tag.

Start by cutting a piece of leather to whatever overall length you want. This piece was 9" long by 2" wide.

4" from the rounded end I have used a rounded punch to make a narrow waist but you could just cut a V shape using a craft knife. On the Brown leather I have used an English Point end punch.

Measure A  and B.

Now cut a T shaped slot towards the rounded (shorter) end of the tag as shown. The top of the T must equal your measurement of A and the upright of the T needs to equal B.

Now is the time to decorate your tag and I have made some stamps out of an old pencil

I did these freehand using a Lino cutting tool. But I suggest drawing on your design with a Sharpie pen and then cutting carefully with a craft knife.

On the back of the stamp I have superglued half a cork just to make it easier to handle and to get an even pressure when stamping.

Press your stamp on a Permanent ink pad and test out your stamp on paper first. Then when
you are ready decorate your tag.

If you don't want to make your own lots of stamps are available to buy on eBay and have a
look in the remainder bin in places like Hobbycraft.


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